Briley (GA Chapter)

Briley (GA Chapter)

Briley’s Win-big wish for a las vegas trip

Briley is from Georgia, and in many ways like many other teenagers – she plays volleyball on her school’s team; stays active and tries to balance it all with school and church. 

Unlike other teenagers, Briley has survived not one but two separate life-threatening diagnoses. When Briley was just hours old, she was diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot, a life-threatening cardiac condition that required her to undergo her first open heart surgery at only four months old. By the time she was 7, she started displaying more concerning symptoms. She was then diagnosed with Leukemia. Briley then spent a grueling 2 ½ years in treatment and once she was finished, had to have her 2nd open heart surgery.

As Briley fortunately went into remission, it was the perfect time to grant her wish. Her destination of choice? Las Vegas! Briley’s parents had lived in Vegas, and she had heard so many stories over the years that it became her inspirational destination, creating a wish list of places to go and things to do! The top item of her bucket list was to go to Top Golf. Not because she likes to golf, but her older brother does. It’s not only Briley’s resilience that shines, but her love for her family and thoughtfulness of others.

This past April, Briley, her parents and older brother spent a week in Vegas creating amazing family memories, having a blast and celebrating how far she’s come. They saw America’s Got Talent Live, saw the Sphere and Cirque Soleil, visited museums, rode the gondola ride at the Venetian and so much more. She even faced her fears of indoor sky diving with her brother beside her. We could think of no more fitting wish for this exhilarating girl!